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100PLUS PRO with Hassan Sunny: Everything You Need for Recovery sits down with Singapore national footballer Hassan Sunny to ask him about his recovery regime, favourite recovery foods and his first experience trying the 100PLUS PRO High Protein

Hassan Sunny at a photoshoot by for 100PLUS. PHOTO: HANA BASIR, SPORTPLUS.SG

In an exclusive series with 100PLUS Singapore, sits down with 3 of Singapore's national athletes behind-the-scenes to discuss their recovery regimes, favourite recovery food choices and their first experiences trying the 100PLUS PRO High Protein.

What is the importance of recovery work for athletes?

Hassan: Recovery is just as important as training itself, to be honest I pay extra attention to recovery. So I make sure I have enough sleep, and make sure I eat a balanced diet. Of course nutrition is most important to me.

What are some of your favourite recovery foods?

Hassan: I like fruit smoothie, so in fact everyday I’ll make mine before I sleep to prepare for tomorrow. It’s also like a go-to breakfast for me in a way. So before I train I just grab and drink it. So that’s my favourite recovery food.

Hassan Sunny at a photoshoot by for 100PLUS. PHOTO: HANA BASIR, SPORTPLUS.SG

Share a bit with us on the kind of contents of recovery foods we should keep a lookout for that actually help with muscle recovery - proteins, carbohydrates?

Hassan: Proteins are like the number one for me at least. I take lots of blueberries, strawberries of course. Protein shakes as well. So all that will of course help me with my recovery.

Hassan Sunny at a photoshoot by for 100PLUS. PHOTO: HANA BASIR, SPORTPLUS.SG

How do you feel after trying the 100PLUS PRO for the first time?

Hassan: To be honest, it tastes different. It doesn’t taste like the usual 100PLUS. That’s why I think I love this drink. So looking forward to drinking it every day.

Hassan Sunny at a photoshoot by for 100PLUS. PHOTO: HANA BASIR, SPORTPLUS.SG

Can you describe for people who have not tried 100PLUS PRO before what it’s good for and what it tastes like?

Hassan: It contains BCAs, Vitamin B3, B6, B12 so it’s like all you need there in a bottle, and it tastes like lime or lemonade, so it really tastes good. I hope people out there will just give it a try.

Hassan Sunny at a photoshoot by for 100PLUS. PHOTO: HANA BASIR, SPORTPLUS.SG

100PLUS PRO is known for fueling performance, do you think this drink will enhance your recovery regime in any aspect moving forward?

Hassan: Of course, I think it contains everything you need for recovery especially post training. And because for myself I perspire a lot, I sweat a lot so this is just what I need after training and then to make sure I recover fast, and to get ready for the next training session.

Hassan Sunny at a photoshoot by for 100PLUS. PHOTO: HANA BASIR, SPORTPLUS.SG

Outside of 100PLUS PRO do you usually take protein drinks or protein supplements or shakes? In terms of convenience how do they compare?

Hassan: Yes the normal protein shake, that is a must for me. And since the 100PLUS PRO contains everything, it will be much easier for me to just grab it and go. For protein shakes I need to have my own blender bottle and get a separate container for the protein powder and then mix it, shake it. So if i have this I can just open it and drink it it’s very convenient.

Describe 100PLUS PRO in 3 words.

Hassan: Everything you need.

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