What key practices should you adopt the day before a 10KM race? Get Useful Coaching Tips for the upcoming ASICS META: Time: Trials 10KM Road Race in Malaysia with Shah Feroz, Head Coach of ASICS Running Club Singapore

Taking on the ASICS META: Time: Trials Malaysia and looking to improve on your 10KM road race timing?
In part 2 of our coaching tips with Head Coach of ASICS Running Club and athlete Shah Feroz, find out useful tips to help you in preparing for race day at your next 10KM road race.

What do you usually do the day before a 10KM road race?
Feroz: How do I prepare before race day? I will take note of two main things, and I am sharing these because I have personally felt the benefits and difference for myself. Hydration and sleep.
What is considered good hydration strategy and how can you tell you are doing it right?
Feroz: You need to keep yourself well hydrated such that your pee is colourless. Even though you are not thirsty you've got to keep taking sips of water throughout the day.
So for me I always carry a water bottle with me. Only pre-race the day before, with the water bottle in my hand I will be forced to keep drinking. So once it finishes I will go and refill again.

How does sleep and recovery impact 10km performance? Especially since races often start early in the day? D
Feroz: You need to make sure you have proper rest and your muscles are all relaxed.
In terms of relaxing your muscles, if you can just do normal stretches but don't go for runs or whatsoever, because you do not know if you will add on to your fatigue level or not.
As for stretching, you can stretch at home. Most importantly hydration is the main key thing because one per cent of dehydration affects 5 per cent of your performance.
Stay tuned to SportPlus.sg and ASICS Singapore Instagram for more useful coaching tips for your next 10KM road race with ASICS and ASICS running club coach Shah Feroz.
Sign up for the ASICS META: Time: Trials Malaysia, happening on Sunday, 19 November 2023 here.